Monday, August 25, 2008

Recruiting / Sourcing Via Twitter

Ritesh nair has posted a tip on using Twitter in his article Recruiting/Sourcing via twitter

Following is a list of Boolean operators that you can use

(Alternatively, you can use the advanced search form to automatically constuct your query.)

OperatorFinds tweets...
twitter searchcontaining both "twitter" and "search". This is the default operator.
"happy hour"containing the exact phrase "happy hour".
obama OR hillarycontaining either "obama" or "hillary" (or both).
beer -rootcontaining "beer" but not "root".
#haikucontaining the hashtag "haiku".
from:alexiskoldsent from person "alexiskold".
to:techcrunchsent to person "techcrunch".
@mashablereferencing person "mashable".
"happy hour" near:"san francisco"containing the exact phrase "happy hour" and sent near "san francisco".
near:NYC within:15misent within 15 miles of "NYC".
superhero since:2008-05-01containing "superhero" and sent since date "2008-05-01" (year-month-day).
ftw until:2008-05-03containing "ftw" and sent up to date "2008-05-03".
movie -scary :)containing "movie", but not "scary", and with a positive attitude.
flight :(containing "flight" and with a negative attitude.
traffic ?containing "traffic" and asking a question.
hilarious filter:linkscontaining "hilarious" and linking to URLs.

Twiiter search operators
Twitter Advanced search
Twitter Search tool
Searching twitter: helpful tools

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